Summer 2022 + Interaction Design II + Studio Project + UI Design

Finding your preference in beer can be a difficult and frustrating experience in a rather gate-kept community. From people looking to enjoy their first beer to regular brewery goers, everyone should be able to explore their own tastes and preferences.

Through a clear visual system, Hops helps users from brand new enjoyers to seasoned veterans find new beers to try. Through a flavor preference quiz, and customized suggestions based on user input, Hops has something to offer to everyone.

Observation notes

The Brewery

  • Some people may be uncomfortable with asking a bartender for multiple samples or for advice in general

  • As a new beer drinker, where can you start to find your preference with many options available

Selection Size

  • The beer selection in most stores can be an overwhelming size

  • Many breweries are constantly making new seasonal beer and it can be hard to keep track of what will be available

Can Design

  • Can design can heavily impact your decision on what beer you choose to buy

  • Cans with designs that you do not like are less likely to be chosen

Journey Map

This journey map details the experience of trying out a new 6 pack of beer from a grocery store

Areas of Focus

Creating an outside experience

How can learning about and trying new beers be an experience that transcends both word of mouth and trial and error?

Encouragement to try the unknown

How can we encourage those who don’t step out of their comfort zone to try new things?


Benchmarking against Untapped and Spotify

Paper Prototyping


Information Architecture


How can the app give the same feeling as drinking beers with some friends?

Final Style Guide


